The 8th Aii Overseas Trip to Macau, Zhuhai, Shenzhen & Guangzhou

The 8th Aii Overseas Trip to Macau, Zhuhai, Shenzhen & Guangzhou

The Aii Language Centers has its 8th Aii Overseas Trip to Macau, Zhuhai, Shenzhen & Guangzhou from September 05 to September 09, 2019. Students always get a lot of benefits from traveling, especially to developed countries or places. They learned about the culture, the history, the food and other experiences in life. Moreover, they could take those experiences from those developed countries to make Cambodia grow rapidly. It was also a prime time for our students to take advantages of their freedom and relaxation. More interestingly, they could make more good friends.

Field Trip

Aii Faculty Goes to Sihanoukville

38th Aii Field Trip to Nataya Resort

The 46th Aii Field trip to Phum Domnak Domrey Resort

The 43rd Aii Field Trip to Mong Reththy Senchey Agri-Tourism

The 45th Aii Field trip to Bronze Lake Resort