The Philosophy Collection

The Philosophy Collection

Publisher Mengly J. Quach University Press
Release Date June, 2020
Pages 306 pages
Dimensions 13 x 19.5 cm
Language Khmer

“The Philosophy Collection” is the 7th book by Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach, which describes his life experiences, the struggles and successes he has gone through over the years. “The Philosophy Collection” is set out to narrate the happiness, education, inspiration, leadership, success and business mindsets. This 306-page book will aspire readers to thrive for happiness in their life, to be more patient in their life path, and to understand how to motivate themselves. In addition, the readers will deeply understand the definition of leadership, so that they will be able to the find the path to success and understand more about business process. This book will also inspire and guide students to find keys of education in order to maximize their potential and knowledge, and for them to achieve more prosperous results in the foreseeable future.
