Ragged Cloth

Ragged Cloth

Publisher:  Mengly J. Quach University Press
Release Date:  July, 2021
Pages:  148 Pages
Dimensions:  10.5 X 17.5 cm
Language:  Khmer

Ragged clothe is the only published work of poetry by poet Torn Vibol. This 148-page book, in addition to embedding globalist ideas and perspectives that allow the reader to think appropriately base on their own room after reading each poem. It also contains a glimpse of what is happening in modern society for the reader to see those stories through the poet’s view. Whether it is more or less relevant to the society, it is a vision of the poet, highlighting the overall view and the unique diversity to the reader, think, find the cause and effect that is presented and embedded in it. It is also a part that can contribute to transforming problems and improve in the workplace, family, and national institutions as a whole.

Again, all that is mentioned in the Ragged Clothes is that the poet hopes and fully believes that it really benefits the reader, especially helping the reader to develop a positive mindset after understanding and discovering the story. The poems that the poet has embedded and displayed in the book, although it is only required to be on the literary pages.
