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Vathana Soy

Vathana Soy

Senior Event Planner

Senior Event Planner

Mr.Vathana Soy joined Aii Language Center (Aii) in February 2008. Due to his committment and dedication to work, he was promoted from part-time teacher to full-time teacher and then Head Teacher and Senior Event Planner. He has proven himself as an outstanding teacher for many years and received various certificates.

Mr. Soy is a helpful and friendly team member. He is a talented collaborative worker and strives to always keep his colleagues up to date with the latest developments and exciting events.

Vathana was awarded the certificate in TESOL with TEYL which is internationally accredited by the leading US and UK accreditors in May 2015 in Bangkok. Moreover, he graduated his Bachelor degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Norton University in 2005.
